An update on Torbay's delivery of the DCMS Cultural Development Fund

An update on Torbay's delivery of the DCMS Cultural Development Fund

The investment from the government’s Cultural Development Fund (CDF) will enable us to make a real difference in Paignton over the coming years

The CDF is part of the Cultural Investment Fund from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), managed by Arts Council England. Torbay is one of seven areas in England to secure this second round of CDF, and the only location in the south west peninsula.

The focus of the CDF is Paignton Picture House, identified as one of the priorities in the Torbay Heritage Strategy. The Picture House is an important part of the Future High Streets Fund plans for Paignton, which will see Torbay Road and Station Square area improved.

More about the CDF:

  • The CDF is primarily capital investment (approximately £2.42m) with some resource investment (£565,000) to support activity.

  • CDF is more than simply improving a cultural or heritage asset, it is about enabling local improvements in places to make towns more attractive; and encouraging training and skills, job creation and economic growth.

  • This period of CDF runs until March 2025, when the programme of work is scheduled to complete with the reopened Picture House.

  • Paignton Picture House Trust (PPH Trust), Torbay Council, and Arts Council England have held a formal start up meeting, and we are working through the financial, legal and planning stages of the investment to enable the work to progress.

  • The Council and PPH Trust will have a partnership agreement with South Devon College and the International Agatha Christie Festival, supported by the advisory board of Torbay Culture, to set out our shared ambitions for the CDF programme of work.

  • Our ambitions include the College supporting almost skills opportunities for up to 300 people - including work experience, informal learning, and apprenticeships - and funding a programme of community participation opportunities, developed by, and delivered in collaboration with, local creative talent.

Recent activity:

  • The PPH Trust have already held two successful open days in early May - almost 1,000 people visited and shared their thoughts.

  • Hundreds more people have completed the trust’s online survey. Individual groups have also been attending through organised sessions, like young people visiting with Doorstep Arts.

  • More open days will take place in July, and there will be further consultation in November.

  • The PPH Trust is talking with other local creative partners so the plans can be shaped to ensure the CDF benefits people in the bay.

To keep up to date visit the Paignton Picture House website. As the work develops we’ll also be issuing more news through Torbay Council and via the partners.

Image: The recently conserved and restored Paignton Picture House facade (Torbay Culture)

The Cultural Development Fund is a Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) fund administered by Arts Council England

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